Annual Membership runs from the month you join for 12 months. For example, if you join today, you will receive a renewal notification at the beginning of this month next year, and you will have until the end of that month to renew and keep your membership current.
Guidelines for Accepting Memberships and Donations
WHPA gratefully accepts memberships and donations that support and further our mission. Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), organization supported only through memberships and donations.
As an all-volunteer organization, online memberships generally get processed once every 7-10 days. Postal memberships are processed once or twice each month. Should you need additional information or support, please contact us.
The WHPA Board of Directors reserves the right to reject a membership or donation for any reason. Reasons for refusal may include, but are not limited to:
- The membership or donation does not align with or distracts from our mission
- Accepting the membership or donation could be construed as support for or endorsement of another organization, individual, or political cause
- The membership or donation comes with restrictions or caveats that do not align with our mission
- The membership or donation is or implies a quid-pro-quo
Disclaimer for non-homeschooling families (including businesses, organizations, and consultants):
WHPA does not and will not share information about our members or donors, and we respect our members’ and donors’ privacy. WHPA membership and donation information is not available. All membership and donation information is private and proprietary to Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association and may not be accessed or distributed.
No refunds, full or partial, will be given on any membership or donation.
Last Updated on 11/13/22