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Wisconsin Homeschool Law

What is so unusual (and great!) about Wisconsin homeschooling law? Full legal standing and complete parental control! (Read how Wisconsin compares to other states here.)

Wisconsin Laws Relating to Home-Based Private Education Programs (Homeschooling)

Download a printable PDF handout of this page.

WI Act 512 (1983)

“AN ACT to repeal 118.255 (1) (am) and 121.51 (3); to amend 115.30 (3) and 118.15 (1) (a); to repeal and recreate 118.15 (4); and to create 115.01 (1g) and (1r) and

21. The Independence of the Homeschooling Movement (4/95)

Whereas the homeschooling movement has to do with choosing an education consistent with one’s principles and beliefs; and Whereas maintaining this freedom requires the commitment of a diverse group of people; and Whereas basic freedoms, including freedom of choice in one’s principles and beliefs, are central to our democratic society; and Whereas the homeschooling movement has succeeded by recognizing and working for the freedom of choice for all families rather than for just those people associated with a particular political party, religious belief, ideology, educational philosophy, or approach to homeschooling; and Whereas there is a tendency by the media and

Start Here

Please read the information on this page carefully and completely.

If you are considering homeschooling due to a crisis (such as illness outbreaks), first know your district’s policies or plans, such as holding classes online for a period of time. Homeschooling is not generally considered a temporary or short-term fix to short-term crises like epidemics. Rather, homeschooling is an educational choice to be taken in view of the full picture of your child’s educational needs and your family’s beliefs. Your child can be enrolled in only one educational program at a time,

Checking Sources

Homeschooling is no different from any other topic you can Google: there is a lot of information out there and only some of it is reliable.

Does the information cite to or align with the language of the law?

Is the information from a national group, a private for-profit source, an individual selling their “expertise,” or

Automatic Membership Renewal

If you would like to join or renew, AND save time and energy, it’s easy to set up Automatic Annual Membership Renewal. Simply fill in your Family Name at the bottom of the page and click “Subscribe.”  You will be taken to PayPal to finish the set-up process. You can stop or manage your Automatic Annual Membership Renewal though PayPal as follows: Automatic Membership Renewal ensures you stay informed AND keeps WHPA strong. Thank you!

Guidelines for Accepting Memberships and Donations

WHPA gratefully accepts memberships

46. History of Homeschooling in Wisconsin (5/06)

Whereas the pioneers of the modern homeschooling movement in Wisconsin worked together despite their differences to ensure that the Wisconsin Legislature passed a homeschooling law that recognized the right of families to choose for their members an education consistent with their principles and beliefs; and Whereas WPA has formulated essential principles and practices to ensure that our homeschooling freedoms survive-these include knowing what is required of homeschoolers in Wisconsin; doing only the minimum required by statute or regulation; not ignoring violations of our rights, even if they seem too small to matter; not seeking or accepting benefits from the government;

January 30, 2018 – Representative Sinicki Requests the Formation of a Committee to Study Wisconsin Homeschool Law

We have confirmed that Representative Sinicki has requested that the Joint Legislative Council create a Study Committee to review the Home-Based Private Educational Program Law in Wisconsin. The purpose of a Study Committee is to identify a problem and offer legislative solutions. Since the homeschooling law in Wisconsin is not a problem and we do not want additional homeschooling legislation, we do not want this to move forward. Please contact the co-chairs, Representative Brooks and Senator Roth, and let them know that Wisconsin’s homeschooling law is working well as it is and you do not support the creation of a Study Committee. Phone

30. Impact on Homeschooling Freedoms of Homeschoolers’ Qualifying for Public School Sports Teams (5/98)

Whereas homeschoolers have regained significant freedom of thought and belief by working to establish and maintain ourselves as private schools independent of public schools; and Whereas Wisconsin has a reasonable homeschooling law that homeschoolers have worked hard to get passed and to maintain; and Whereas homeschoolers are a very small minority but large and powerful interest groups are pressing for increased state regulation of homeschooling; and Whereas, in order for Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) rules to be changed so that homeschoolers could participate on public school sports teams, homeschools would have to comply with the Department of Public Instruction

51. New Kindergarten Statute and Homeschooling (5/11)

Whereas the recent five-year-old kindergarten statute will result in children being put under increased pressure socially, academically, and emotionally; and Whereas, in part due to Wisconsin Parents Association’s (WPA) work and testimony over the years opposing such legislation, it does not directly affect homeschoolers today but is confusing to homeschoolers and a cause of concern for what might happen as conventional schooling is being required at younger and younger ages; and Whereas the recent statute means:

  • enforcing truancy laws on five-year-olds enrolled in conventional schools
  • providing more money for public schools

41. Maintaining the Distinction Between Public Schools and Homeschools (and Other Private Schools) (5/03)

Whereas public school administrators and officials are contacting homeschoolers through surveys, invitations to public meetings, and other announcements in an effort to bring homeschoolers into the public schools; and Whereas private companies in conjunction with public schools are marketing public e-schools to homeschoolers; and Whereas although homeschoolers come from all walks of life, homeschool for a number of different reasons, and use a variety of curriculums and approaches to education, they all have one thing in common, namely, their determination to preserve the right to choose for their children an education consistent with their beliefs and principles; and Whereas homeschoolers

September 17, 2020 – Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association Statement Regarding the Consequences of Doing More Than the Law Requires

Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association has been in regular communication with the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) since early August to address misinformation, harassment, and threats against parents withdrawing from public school to start homeschooling. In our ongoing communications, the DPI has noted its agreement with WHPA assertions about Wisconsin law, saying:

  • “Regarding the PI-1206 form, DPI agrees that under Wis. Stat. § 115.30(3), no school district can compel the submission of the form prior to October 15.”
  • “It is not appropriate for districts to be placing undue pressure on parents to submit a PI-1206 form, nor to be threatening

11. Opposition to State Control of Education and the Family (4/91)

Whereas parents are responsible for their children, including their educations; and Whereas the state has no constitutional, statutory, or common law authority to demand, require, or invoke any specific educational program for a child; and Whereas the state has no legal authority in education except that available under the federal constitution’s policing provision and only within the past 50 years has the citizenry used this authority to extend compulsory attendance laws through the high school years; and Whereas schools derive their authority from parents and other citizens rather than from federal or state constitutions or authorities but this unfortunately is

Annually Renewing Membership

Would you like to set up automatic renewal of your WHPA membership? Simply fill in your name below and click “Subscribe.”  You will be taken to PayPal to finish the process. You may stop the recurring payment at any time via PayPal. Automatically-renewing membership ensures you stay informed AND keeps WHPA strong. Thank you!   Automatic Annual Membership

Shared Services and Special Needs

Local Homeschooling Support Group Partnership

WHPA + Local Groups = Stronger Together

Being a member of a local homeschool support group gives you opportunities to establish local relationships, share ideas and experiences, and build a day-to-day network of support. Being a member of WHPA means you’re part of the state-wide, inclusive, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to protecting the right and freedom of parents to provide an education to their children according to their own principles and beliefs. When you join or renew your membership with your local homeschool support group and WHPA at the same time, everyone

53. Common Core State Standards in Education (5/13)

Whereas since the publication in 1983 of A Nation at Risk, a federal report on the status of education in the US, there has been an increasing push by both Democrats and Republicans to reform public education from the top down through federal goals, standards, testing requirements, reporting, and monitoring of children and families; these federal initiatives include Goals 2000, America 2000, No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, and now Common Core State Standards; and Whereas the US Constitution gives no authority to the federal or state governments in the area of education; and Whereas the US Code


Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association provides a wide variety of resources to Wisconsin homeschooling families:

Your donations help make all of these things possible. Please read through the following important information, fill out and submit the form below, and complete your payment via PayPal when prompted. Thank you for your support!

  • If you like to join or renew your membership AND donate at the same time, please visit our Membership


WHPA was fundamental in the writing and passage of our longstanding reasonable homeschool law in 1984. Our members and member-volunteers have worked hard ever since to protect our rights. WHPA needs our members and allies to speak up now. WHPA Is Not A Lobbyist Firm WHPA is Wisconsin’s only statewide, grassroots, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to protect every Wisconsin parent’s right to educate their own children according to their own principles and beliefs. “Grassroots” means WHPA exists to empower parents to exercise their rights and freedoms. “Grassroots” means when we need to share a message with legislators, we rely on our

How Can You Help?

How can you join WHPA in our effort to protect our homeschooling freedoms? It’s up to all of us: We are all ambassadors for our very reasonable and hard-won homeschool law. Here are six concrete, actionable steps YOU can take to be a good ambassador.

  • Stay informed.
  • Share accurate information and point people to the law. Wisconsin’s homeschool law is presented very clearly here on our website with links to original source material.
  • When there is an Action Alert, be ready to act.
    • Write and call your legislators.
    • The biggest thing you can do is to attend hearings in
  • WPA is Now WHPA!

    August 19, 2020 Wisconsin Parents Association’s Board of Directors has voted to change our name. We are excited to announce that WPA’s name has evolved to Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association (WHPA). We feel this change respects our organization’s history, while also acknowledging the contemporary needs of homeschoolers in Wisconsin. We believe it will help homeschoolers find us, as the addition of “homeschooling” to our name makes us more searchable online. We believe the addition of “homeschooling” will also make it easier for legislators to recognize our important role in Wisconsin as the only state-wide grassroots homeschool organization, and the very

    March 6, 2022 – AB 122 Final Vote on Tuesday

    On Friday, March 4, the Senate Committee on Education passed both “micro education pod” bills, AB 122 and SB 201, out of committee, and AB 122, which has already been passed by the Assembly, has been scheduled for a vote by the full Senate on Tuesday, March 8. It is critical that WHPA members and supporters speak up in defense of our homeschooling law. You can find background and analysis of these bills on our website. Call your Senator before Tuesday and ask them to vote NO on AB 122. (Find tips on our website.)

    12. State goals in education (4/92)

    Whereas in this country, educational goals are now chosen by students and parents, generally assisted by teachers; and Whereas the compulsory school attendance law requires attendance but does not and cannot dictate the outcome of that education (or there would be no freedom of thought or learning); and Whereas public schools provide a service for those who choose to use them; and Whereas the establishment of state goals in education would mean that the law would be requiring “education” rather than attendance; and Whereas this country was founded in large part on the basis of freedom of thought and belief

    February 15, 2017 – Where is the proof that vouchers for homeschooling will bring more regulations?

    First, it is important to say that homeschooling voucher programs (like the one outlined in HR 610) have not been successful at the state level, so we have no specific data about how homeschooling vouchers would increase regulation other than to compare it to private schools accepting voucher money vs. those that are not (keep reading for information about states with tax credits). Voucher programs for homeschoolers that have been introduced in other states have not passed due to homeschoolers not wanting the money which would surely lead to regulation. When the government offers money for a specific purpose (education, roads, etc.),

    25. Maintaining the Fundamental Foundation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities (5/96)

    Whereas the primary rights and responsibilities of people are given by God or nature and not by the state; and Whereas parental rights and responsibilities for rearing children, especially in the areas of education, health, and welfare, are so fundamental that they cannot be realistically reduced to statutory or constitutional language; and Whereas the state does not now have at any level of government (federal, state, or local) the authority to direct how a child should be educated, cared for, or nurtured; (For example, compulsory school attendance laws require attendance but do not require education.) and Whereas once people ask

    42. The Media and Homeschooling (5/04)

    Whereas the media in the United States holds enormous power to persuade and to inform or misinform the public; and Whereas the media is a primary source of news for most people, including those who hold it in low regard; and Whereas the media seldom does in-depth, independent fact-finding but rather relies on experts in universities, think tanks, foundations, and large organizations for the news they report; and Whereas the media increasingly reports at face value the views and prejudices of government officials instead of playing the media’s historic role as the “fourth estate” of questioning, if not challenging, government

    28. Day-Time Curfews, Truancy Sweeps, and ID Cards for Homeschoolers (5/98)

    Whereas state and local governments and public and private agencies are using increasingly repressive measures to try to keep young people in school, including day-time curfews and police pick-ups of young people who are not inside a school building during “school hours;” and Whereas such repressive measures have not been shown to be effective in any case but rather have often been found to be counterproductive; and Whereas these measures are a severe infringement of people’s basic freedoms and civil liberties, including the freedom to be in public places and not be interrogated or arrested without reasonable evidence and due

    About Us

    “The essence of homeschooling is in the freedom to make our own choices, the freedom from any state regulation telling us when, where, how, or what in particular we must learn. Protecting this freedom is absolutely essential for us to realize the full benefits of homeschooling. Anything that diminishes that freedom, however slightly, turns me, to that extent, into an unpaid agent of the state, carrying out someone else’s directives as to how my children should learn.”

    —Roy Underhill’s Opening Remarks, 2002 WPA Conference

    WHPA’s Mission

    Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is a state-wide, inclusive, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated

    Board of Directors

    WHPA Board Member Expectations

    • Attend board meetings. (Minimum of three board meetings held each year.)
    • Serve a two-year term of office or until a qualified successor has been installed.
    • Chair or be a member of one active committee and participate as needed and when practical with other committees.
    • Be a member in good standing in WHPA.
    • Promote WHPA membership to other homeschooling families.
    • When chairing a committee, submit reports at board meetings and be available to respond to inquiries, suggestions etc.

    Know Your Rights And Responsibilities

    When you choose to homeschool your child

    • You are choosing to take full responsibility for your child’s education. 
    • You are choosing to not take advantage of other opportunities for your child’s education. 
    • You are choosing to exercise your rights under Wisconsin law. 
    • You are choosing to follow Wisconsin’s homeschooling law. 

    Your Homeschooling RIGHTS

    Under Wisconsin law you have the right to: 

    • Homeschool your child.
    • Homeschool your child free from any related contact, intervention, or harassment from any government agency,

    One-Year Membership or Renewal

    Annual Membership runs from the month you join for 12 months. For example, if you join today, you will receive a renewal notification at the beginning of this month next year, and you will have until the end of that month to renew and keep your membership current.

    Guidelines for Accepting Memberships and Donations

    WHPA gratefully accepts memberships and donations that support and further our mission. Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), organization supported only through memberships and donations. As an all-volunteer organization, online memberships generally get processed once every 7-10 days. Postal memberships are processed

    Kindergarten & First Grade

    If your child is 4 or 5 years old on September 1 this year

    Kindergarten is not mandatory in Wisconsin! Compulsory attendance in Wisconsin begins the year the child turns 6 on or before September 1st. That’s right–if your child is 4 or 5 years old on September 1st

    What is Homeschooling in Wisconsin?

    [Download a PDF of this page]

    We hear the word “homeschooling” a lot, but how it is used can be confusing. People sometimes use the word “homeschooling” to mean “anyone doing any kind of learning in their home.” But under Wisconsin law, not everyone learning at home is legally “homeschooling.” In Wisconsin, we have a long-standing law that defines “homeschooling” and protects the rights of all Wisconsin families. Legal homeschools in Wisconsin law are called Home-Based Private Educational Programs (HBPEP’s). (Wis stat 115.001(3g)) HOME BASED ⇝ these programs are not based in any institution.

    Homeschooling at Age 6

    WHPA recommends only filing the PI-1206 Homeschool Report for children who have turned 6 years old by September 1 of the current year, even if you are filing the form for other children in your family who are homeschooling. Filing the PI-1206 any earlier exceeds the minimum requirements of the law. WHPA encourages you not to file the form earlier than statutorily required because waiting serves to protect our reasonable homeschooling laws for all Wisconsin families.  Often in law, doing more than the minimum required by law creates both the belief that doing more than the minimum is required and

    Refer A Friend

    Attention current WHPA Members!

    Refer a friend (up to 6) and get 2 months free when they join for the first time AND tell us you referred them! Here’s how it works:

  • You tell your homeschooling friends and homeschooling supporters why your family is a member of WHPA.
  • Your friend joins WHPA online as a new (first time) WHPA member and enters your name in the appropriate field on the form.
  • We verify your friend is a first time WHPA member, and that you are a current WHPA member.
  • We add 2 months to your WHPA membership, FREE!
  • Each

    49. Importance of Parents to Children’s Development and Learning and a Family’s Well Being (5/09)

    Whereas major studies over the past 40 years have consistently shown parents and families, rather than schools or teachers, to be the determining factor in whether a child succeeds academically and socially; and Whereas day care and preschool have been shown to lead to anti-social and aggressive behavior; and Whereas child care can have serious harmful results for the child, parents, and the family (For example, an abstract from a recent major study of universal child care includes these findings: “Finally, we uncover striking evidence that children are worse off in a variety of behavioral and health dimensions, ranging from

    February 11, 2017 – A few things that Wisconsin homeschoolers should be aware of

    Betsy DeVos was confirmed as Secretary of Education.  She is a strong proponent of vouchers for “school choice.”  Her list of choices includes homeschooling. A bill (HR610) was introduced, at the federal level, by Rep. Steve King (R) of Iowa.  This bill seeks, in part, to render financial assistance to parents who choose to educate their children outside the public school system, including homeschoolers. The bill has now been referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. WPA believes that homeschoolers taking any government money (i.e. vouchers, tax credits, educational savings accounts, etc.) will lead to additional regulation


    Founded in 1984, Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization financially supported only through memberships and donations. WHPA’s work is rooted in a long history and strong institutional memory, and guided by our Mission and Ten Principles.

    • Since 1984, WHPA (formerly WPA) has provided decades of continuous service to Wisconsin homeschoolers. Throughout this time WHPA has relied on the dedication and commitment of homeschooling parent volunteers to protect Wisconsin’s reasonable homeschool law.
    • WHPA’s member families come from all over the state. At the end of 2020, WHPA included active member families
