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Hardship Assistance for Membership

Thanks to the generous support of our membership and individual donors, WHPA is able to offer Hardship Assistance for Membership for homeschooling families. If you would like to join or renew your membership in WHPA but the cost of membership is prohibitive, please complete and submit the following form. The WHPA Board of Directors will review your request and get back to you within 7-10 business days.

WHPA’s Guidelines for Accepting Memberships and Donations

WHPA gratefully accepts memberships and donations that support and further our mission. Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization supported only


There are a lot of questions to be asked about homeschooling! Luckily, WHPA can provide a lot of answers. Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is committed to providing accurate, up-to-date information about homeschooling in Wisconsin. WHPA promotes full compliance with the minimum standards set by law. Click on a category below or in the menu on the left to be taken to questions and answers within that topic.

Can’t find the answer you are looking for? Ask one of our experienced volunteers!

WHPA 101

As the only state-wide, inclusive, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to protecting the right and freedom of parents to provide an education to their children according to their own principles and beliefs, Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is passionately committed to providing accurate homeschooling information. Our WHPA 101 program is available to homeschooling groups, libraries, and interested parents throughout Wisconsin. This 45- to 60-minute presentation by a WHPA-trained facilitator, in person or via Zoom, will include an overview of homeschooling in Wisconsin, information about WHPA, and an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas or concerns about homeschooling. To request a WHPA

19. The Federal Government and Homeschooling (4/94)

Whereas the U. S. Constitution gives no authority to the federal or state governments in the area of education; and Whereas rights and powers not granted to the state are reserved for the people; and Whereas section 432 of the federal statute General Education Provisions Act of 1970 states that the federal government may not control education; and Whereas the states have the authority to control schooling through compulsory school attendance laws based on the policing powers granted to the states by the U. S. Constitution; and Whereas the federal government acquires its power in the area of education by

09. Unity Among Home Schoolers (4/90)

Whereas home schoolers come from all walks of life; they home school for a number of different reasons; and they use a variety of curriculums and approaches to education; however, they all have one thing in common, namely, their determination to preserve the right to choose for their children an education consistent with their beliefs and principles; and Whereas the Wisconsin statutes defining private schools (including home schools) resulted from the hard work of the full range of home schoolers and people involved in other small private schools in this state; and Whereas home schoolers have organized themselves as Wisconsin

45. No Child Left Behind (5/05)

Whereas the federal government has no constitutional authority over education but gains power over education by creating programs in education that give federal tax dollars to states and school districts who comply with the requirements of these programs; and Whereas the federal government has used its grants of tax dollars to influence and control education, including in recent years the establishment of national standards for elementary and secondary education; and Whereas a major piece of legislation known as No Child Left Behind was recently passed that requires of any school that receives federal education money to test children in grades

Gift Memberships

A one-year family membership to Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association could be the perfect gift for those special people in your life – from grandparents to supporters of homeschooling freedom to friends who are considering homeschooling – they don’t have to be an active homeschooler to be a WHPA member! To purchase a gift Membership:

  • Complete the membership form below with your gift recipient’s information.
  • Make your payment via PayPal, making sure to include the recipient’s name in the notes field.
  • Then print and fill out a WHPA Membership Gift Card for your recipient: Holiday Card or
  • 22. Families First (4/95)

    Whereas social service and educational professionals, corporations, the media, and public policy makers are increasingly identifying the family as the primary cause of many of our social problems; and Whereas these same interests have tremendous political power through their professional associations, institutions, companies, and access to the media; and Whereas addressing the complexity of social problems includes assigning significant responsibility for our problems to the very professions, institutions, corporations, and government bureaucracies that hold most of the power in our society; and Whereas some of these interests are now advocating fundamental changes in the rights, authority, and role of the

    16. Government Collaboration (4/93)

    Whereas legislative proposals are being made to combine the budgets, rule making authorities, and exchange of information about individuals and families among the state government departments of education, social services, labor and employment, the judicial system (including law enforcement officials, the courts, and corrections), and the University of Wisconsin-Extension service; and Whereas such collaboration would greatly expand the authority of the state in the lives of individuals and families, ranging from prenatal care and counseling to day care to mental health assessments and employment services; and Whereas collaboration would change the role of the government from that of providing a

    27. School-To-Work Programs (4/97)

    Whereas school-to-work programs would greatly increase the influence that schools have over people’s lives by giving the schools the authority to issue “certificates of initial mastery” and “certificates of advanced mastery” that would be required for some jobs; and Whereas school-to-work programs aim to change the fundamental nature of schooling by requiring that students acquire certain knowledge, skills, abilities, and values in order to pass the tests that lead to the certificates; and Whereas proposed state and national standards in education give the government the authority and ability to require that students acquire specific knowledge, skills, and abilities; and Whereas

    February 17, 2017 – Contact your legislators today.

    Please contact your state and federal representatives to let them know:

  • That you are a constituent (offering your name and street address to confirm this).
  • That you are a homeschooling parent.
  • That you do not want any public dollars (vouchers, tax credits, educational savings accounts, etc.) to be directed to Wisconsin homeschoolers.
  • It is incredibly valuable to contact your legislators before any specific legislation comes to a vote.  If legislators know that homeschoolers do not want this type of help, they are less likely to introduce and support legislation that offers public dollars to homeschoolers. WPA has long asked homeschoolers to to contact

    18. Screening, Evaluating, and Labeling Children (4/94)

    Whereas a growing number of government programs screen, evaluate, and label children at earlier and earlier ages; and Whereas the power of these programs is growing and spreading because they often involve a number of different public and private agencies, organizations, and professionals now working together through new programs to promote collaboration among government agencies; and Whereas the definition of “children with special needs” has been broadened so that many children who are following their own unique timetables but are well within the range of normal development are now being labeled as “developmentally delayed,” or “learning disabled,” or some such

    32. Graduation Test (5/99)

    Whereas recent legislation requires that beginning in 2003, public school students must pass a state-mandated graduation test in order to receive a diploma; and Whereas in the future this test could be required of private school students (including homeschoolers) either in exchange for vouchers or merely because the state decides such tests are a good idea for private school students; and Whereas such standardized tests are unfair and biased against women, minorities, and people who do not have the same values and experiences as those who design the test; and Whereas such tests do not measure important qualities such as

    34. Laws designed to prevent certain families from homeschooling (5/00)

    Whereas constant pressure for increased regulation of homeschooling comes from a number of sources; and Whereas legislation that increases regulations for any homeschooler inevitably increases regulations for all homeschoolers and when laws are designed to prevent certain families from homeschooling, everybody loses homeschooling freedoms; and Whereas such laws would make the state the judge of all homeschoolers in order to prevent a very few from homeschooling; and Whereas the argument that “homeschooling families that are doing a good job should not object to requirements designed to ensure that children are getting a ‘good education'” only works if families don’t mind

    10. The Primary Role of Parents in Education (4/91)

    Whereas parents are the primary educators of their children; and Whereas the family has consistently been shown to provide the best environment for a child’s growth and development; and Whereas the family provides continuity of significant human relationships that provide academic, social, emotional, and moral support for a child’s learning; and Whereas a child’s interaction with people of many different backgrounds and ages (rather than isolation with age-mates) provides him or her with adult role models and lessens stress and problems of peer pressure and dependence; and Whereas children are individuals who vary in talents, abilities, and needs and in

    February 12, 2019

    ACTION NEEDED: Three bills have been introduced in the 116th Congress to expand the use of Section 529 education accounts* to qualified homeschool expenses.

    (On July 20, 2018, WPA asked for action on S.3102 Student Empowerment Act, introduced during the 115th Congress. Read more about it below.) Please call your U.S. Representative and Senators and respectfully ask them to OPPOSE both H.R.65 Enhancing Educational Opportunities for Home School Students Act

    13. America 2000 and Wisconsin 2000 (4/92)

    Whereas there now exist national and state education plans and goals known as America 2000 and Wisconsin 2000 which are virtually identical in content and purpose and which would create national and state goals in education; extend the federal and state governments’ role in education and family life by merging social services and educational services and extending them into the prenatal period; institute skills clinics; and require state-mandated tests and assessments and/or a national series of assessments and a national curriculum; and Whereas these plans call for policies and legislation that would have professionals and institutions pass judgment on very

    August 25, 2020 – Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association Statement Regarding August 24, 2020 Statement from Wisconsin Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Stanford Taylor

    Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association (formerly Wisconsin Parents Association) has been communicating with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) regarding ongoing, urgent issues for Wisconsin parents choosing to homeschool this year. WHPA issued two previous statements to DPI, asking for prompt and decisive action. Today, State Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Stanford Taylor issued a statement entitled COVID-19 Regulatory Flexibility Framework Provisions for the 2020-21 School Year 08/24/20. In this statement, DPI offers clear guidance to all Wisconsin school districts. Under the section entitled “Home Based Private Education (Homeschooling),” the statement reads:

    Home-Based Private Educational Program (Homeschooling)

    37. Homeschools Defined by Law as One Family Unit (5/01)

    Whereas Wisconsin statutes state that, “‘Home-based private educational program’ means a program of educational instruction provided to a child by the child’s parent or guardian or by a person designated by the parent or guardian. An instructional program provided to more than one family unit does not constitute a home-based private educational program.” (s. 115.001[3g]); and Whereas a homeschool in Wisconsin is a private school that is limited to one family unit; and Whereas a national homeschooling organization based outside of Wisconsin has informed some homeschoolers in Wisconsin that they can disobey this part of the statutes by using a


    WHPA has been honored to have had a long-term affiliation with the Herb Kohl Student Excellence Scholarship. In July 2024, the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation announced they will not offer any new student scholarships. The full announcement can be found here.  

    43. Student Identification Database Systems (5/04)

    Whereas federal and state governments are requiring that more and more personal information about any family that receives government education services be collected, stored, and used in government controlled databases; and Whereas these databases include or will soon include a great deal of personal information that goes well beyond the names and addresses of families to include nicknames, disabilities, income level, occupation, test scores, etc.; and Whereas the information collected serves the interests and values of those designing the database systems and not the interests of parents or students and more specifically not the interests of homeschoolers; and Whereas information

    40. Education Vouchers, Educational Investment Accounts, and Tax Credits and Deductions for Education (5/03)

    Whereas education vouchers, educational investment accounts, and tax credits and deductions for education that are being proposed at the federal and state levels of government would allow the government to define education and impose its values, judgments, and often its testing on people; and Whereas such education vouchers would not be given to families but only to the institutions that families select from among those the state has certified as eligible to receive money from the state through vouchers; and Whereas such education vouchers can easily lead to state control of education and further control of families; and Whereas legislation

    July 20, 2018

    On June 21st, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (TX) introduced bill S.3102. This bill is being proposed to amend the Internal Revenue Code that permits kindergarten through grade 12 educational expenses to be paid from a 529 account.  Senator Cruz would like homeschoolers to have access to this program and to be able to use these accounts for their homeschooling expenses. Last time this proposal was presented, many homeschoolers did not support this change and homeschoolers were left out of the legislation. Why is this a problem for Wisconsin homeschoolers? While Senator Cruz (from Texas) is attempting to be helpful to

    08. Home Schoolers Taking Courses in Public Schools (4/90)

    Whereas some home schoolers want to take one or more courses in a public school; and Whereas the Wisconsin Constitution provides for free public education to all persons ages four through 20 years of age; and Whereas the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has given advice to local school boards that has led to policies denying home schoolers access to public school courses; and Whereas some formal policies adopted by local school boards prevent (in highly discriminatory ways) home schoolers from taking public school courses; and Whereas such policies are often in violation of a parent’s and student’s rights under

    14. Education Vouchers (4/92)

    Whereas education vouchers being proposed at the federal and state levels of government would allow the government to define education and impose its values, judgments, and often its testing on people; and Whereas such education vouchers would not be available to the family but only to the institutions that the family selects and which the state certifies as eligible to receive voucher moneys from the state; and Whereas such education vouchers can easily lead to state control of education similar to a state religion and further control of families; and Whereas there are better and more direct ways for the