January 31, 2018 – Action Clarification

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1) Representative Sinicki has submitted her request to the Joint Legislative Council to create a Study Committee to review the Home-Based Private Educational Program Law in Wisconsin. The time for contacting Representative Sinicki about this matter has passed.

2) Now it is time to contact the chairs and members of the Joint Legislative Council. They are the people who will decide whether or not to form this committee.

No matter what district you live in, please contact the council co-chairs:

Representative Brooks (608) 267-2369 Rep.Rob.Brooks@legis.wisconsin.gov

Senator Roth (608) 266-0718 Sen.Roth@legis.wisconsin.gov

Let them know that homeschooling in Wisconsin is working and that you do not support the creation of a Study Committee.

Please also contact the members of the Joint Legislative Council with the same message. https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2017/committees/joint/1692

3) After you have contacted members of the council, it is always appropriate to contact YOUR representatives to let them know that you are a constituent and a homeschooler and that you do not want any changes to Wisconsin homeschooling law. Do not add a request about the Study Committee unless your representative or senator is on the Joint Legislative Council.

Right now the highest priority is to contact the co-chairs and members of the Joint Legislative Council, asking them to not support the creation of a Study Committee.

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