Current Issues
- January 10, 2017 – A few words from WPA for the new year
- February 11, 2017 – A few things that Wisconsin homeschoolers should be aware of
- February 15, 2017 – Where is the proof that vouchers for homeschooling will bring more regulations?
- February 17, 2017 – Contact your legislators today.
- June 22, 2017 – Update to WI youth employment laws
- September 7, 2017 – 2017-2019 Biennial Budget Bill
- September 21, 2017 – Budget Bill Signed
- January 28, 2018 – WPA Response to Abuse and Regulation
- January 30, 2018 – Representative Sinicki Requests the Formation of a Committee to Study Wisconsin Homeschool Law
- January 31, 2018 – Action Clarification
- April 10, 2018
- July 20, 2018
- January 8, 2019
- February 12, 2019
- April 16, 2019
- June 29, 2019 – Legislative Watch Update – Wisconsin Budget
- February 25, 2020 – S.634 & H.R.1434 Action Required
- August 25, 2020 – Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association Statement Regarding August 24, 2020 Statement from Wisconsin Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Stanford Taylor
- September 17, 2020 – Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association Statement Regarding the Consequences of Doing More Than the Law Requires
- February 8, 2021 - Election of State Superintendent of Public Instruction
- March 8, 2021 - Response to AB122 (2021)
- March 15, 2021 - Action Alert: 2021 AB 122 / SB 201 “Creation of Microschools”
- July 23, 2021 - Call to Action For SB 201
- July 23, 2021 - Public Hearing Cancelled - Watch for New Date
- August 2021 - Is Wisconsin's "Kindergarten Requirement" Enforceable?
- February 18, 2022 - Action Alert: AB 122
- February 22, 2022 - WHPA Needs Your Support Tomorrow
- February 24, 2022 - Update and Action Alert 2021 AB 122 / SB 201: “Micro Education Pods”
- March 4, 2022 - Voting Day on SB 201 and AB 122
- March 6, 2022 - AB 122 Final Vote on Tuesday
- March 9, 2022 - AB 122 UPDATE and ACTION ALERT
- March 24, 2022 - Reminders About Proposed "Micro Education Pods"
- September 11, 2023 - Update about ongoing sports issues
- Election of State Superintendent of Public Instruction
PO Box 2502
Madison, WI 53701
February 22, 2022 – WHPA Needs Your Support Tomorrow
The Assembly version of the proposal to create unregulated private schools, called “micro-education pods,” AB 122, passed out of the Assembly today, and we learned late this afternoon that the Senate version of the same bill, SB 201, is scheduled for a public hearing with the Senate Committee on Education tomorrow morning.
This bill threatens our homeschooling rights by confusing the difference between homeschools (based on parental rights) and private schools (based on state law). It is critical that WHPA members and supporters speak up in defense of our homeschooling law at this hearing. The public hearing is scheduled for:
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 10:00 AM
Room 412 East of the Wisconsin Capitol
You can read WHPA’s most recent statement and call for action on this proposal here.
What You Can Do (Instructions below)
- SHOW UP AND TESTIFY IN PERSON. This is the most powerful thing you can do to help protect our homeschooling law. When our law was first created, and each time it has been challenged, thousands of homeschoolers showed up in person and sent a powerful message to our legislators. This meeting is in a large room and will accommodate many people. Masks are not required.
- SHOW UP and register “opposed” in person.
- Call the Chair of the Senate Committee on Education, Senator Alberta Darling at (608) 266-5380 and ask that you be registered as opposed to SB 201.
- Call the members of the Senate Committee on Education and tell them you oppose SB 201. Find contact information here: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.
gov/2021/committees/senate/ 2272
How To Testify In Person
- Bring 10 copies of your testimony. 1 is for you; 1 is for the senate clerk, 1 is for the senate attorney, and 7 are for the members of the Committee on Education.
- Show up early. The room will open about 30 minutes before the meeting begins. Be there.
- Sign up to testify. There will be an iPad for electronic sign up near the entrance to the room. Enter your information, noting that you will be speaking in opposition to SB 201.
- Time limit is usually 5 minutes. Do not plan to go over.
- You are there to address the committee chair & committee members. It is their job to hear your testimony.
- Identify the bill by its number, SB 201.
- Clearly state that you oppose the bill and why.
- Share your personal story if it is relevant. “Our current reasonable homeschooling law works.”
- Restate your opposition clearly.
- Thank the committee for their time and attention.
How To Register Opposed In Person
- Show up early. The room will open about 30 minutes before the meeting begins. Be there.
- Register your opposition. There will be an iPad for electronic sign up near the entrance to the room. Enter your information, noting that you are registering in opposition to SB 201.
What To Say In Your Testimony
Be sure to reread WHPA’s most recent statement on “micro education pods” (formerly “microschools”) here. Consider including in your personal testimony:
- You oppose SB 201.
- Our current homeschooling law is reasonable and clear.
- Our current homeschooling law works well for your family.
- Micro education pods are unnecessary. Homeschoolers can already gather to share educational activities. If a group of families wish to start a small private school, they already may do so under current law.
- SB 201 is confusing and raises more legal questions than it answers.
- Micro education pods undermine our current law by confusing homeschools and private schools.
For 38 years, WHPA has been working to protect our reasonable homeschooling law. Our greatest strength is our grassroots membership, which hails from across our state, and includes families of all kinds, from diverse backgrounds, faiths, political interests, and homeschooling styles. Homeschooling unites us all, and together we can defend the right of every parent in Wisconsin to direct the education of their own children. Please join WHPA in opposing SB 201 and this attempt to undermine the clear legal structure of homeschooling in Wisconsin.