Current Issues
- January 10, 2017 – A few words from WPA for the new year
- February 11, 2017 – A few things that Wisconsin homeschoolers should be aware of
- February 15, 2017 – Where is the proof that vouchers for homeschooling will bring more regulations?
- February 17, 2017 – Contact your legislators today.
- June 22, 2017 – Update to WI youth employment laws
- September 7, 2017 – 2017-2019 Biennial Budget Bill
- September 21, 2017 – Budget Bill Signed
- January 28, 2018 – WPA Response to Abuse and Regulation
- January 30, 2018 – Representative Sinicki Requests the Formation of a Committee to Study Wisconsin Homeschool Law
- January 31, 2018 – Action Clarification
- April 10, 2018
- July 20, 2018
- January 8, 2019
- February 12, 2019
- April 16, 2019
- June 29, 2019 – Legislative Watch Update – Wisconsin Budget
- February 25, 2020 – S.634 & H.R.1434 Action Required
- August 25, 2020 – Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association Statement Regarding August 24, 2020 Statement from Wisconsin Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Stanford Taylor
- September 17, 2020 – Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association Statement Regarding the Consequences of Doing More Than the Law Requires
- February 8, 2021 - Election of State Superintendent of Public Instruction
- March 8, 2021 - Response to AB122 (2021)
- March 15, 2021 - Action Alert: 2021 AB 122 / SB 201 “Creation of Microschools”
- July 23, 2021 - Call to Action For SB 201
- July 23, 2021 - Public Hearing Cancelled - Watch for New Date
- August 2021 - Is Wisconsin's "Kindergarten Requirement" Enforceable?
- February 18, 2022 - Action Alert: AB 122
- February 22, 2022 - WHPA Needs Your Support Tomorrow
- February 24, 2022 - Update and Action Alert 2021 AB 122 / SB 201: “Micro Education Pods”
- March 4, 2022 - Voting Day on SB 201 and AB 122
- March 6, 2022 - AB 122 Final Vote on Tuesday
- March 9, 2022 - AB 122 UPDATE and ACTION ALERT
- March 24, 2022 - Reminders About Proposed "Micro Education Pods"
- September 11, 2023 - Update about ongoing sports issues
- Election of State Superintendent of Public Instruction
PO Box 2502
Madison, WI 53701
February 24, 2022 – Update and Action Alert 2021 AB 122 / SB 201: “Micro Education Pods”
Yesterday, Wednesday February 23, 2022, the Wisconsin Senate Committee on Education held a public hearing to hear testimony about several proposed education bills, including SB 201 / AB 122, which would create “micro education pods” in Wisconsin. Members of the WHPA Board of Directors testified in person in opposition to this bill. You can view the hearing in full on the Wisconsin Eye website by following this link and registering for a free account:
You can read the testimony of WHPA Board members by clicking on this link, on the Wisconsin Legislature website: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.
One private school advocate testified in support of the bill. He reminded the Committee of the painful past homeschool and private school families suffered under our vague education laws before WHPA founders helped legislators craft our current law. One private business owner testified in person for the creation of microschools. The majority of her testimony was in support of small private schools like hers, which already operate under our current private school law. Her primary complaints about our current law referred not to the definition of private schools, but to local zoning rules and ordinances that apply to residential districts, and which this proposal would not change. Her testimony did not address the underlying legal problem the proposal would create by eroding parental rights.
One currently-homeschooling student also testified in opposition. Having young people show up in person and testify so compellingly that our current homeschool law works for them and for their family is incredibly powerful, and was well received by the legislators. Several other currently-homeschooling students and their parents registered in person in opposition to the bill. This kind of in-person expression of support for our current law is also powerful, and was recognized by the committee.
The committee did not take any executive action yesterday, and as of this writing, there is still only one sponsor for this bill in the senate. The next action will be a vote by the Senate Committee on Education to either table the bill (which essentially kills the bill for the remainder of this legislative session) or pass the bill. If the committee votes to pass the bill, it then moves to the Senate Rules Committee for scheduling, and finally to the Senate as a whole for a vote.
Lastly, we apologize for the error in our action alert which listed an incorrect phone number for Senator Darling’s office.
Because things are moving very fast in the legislature right now, WHPA is asking you to reach out NOW to your senator, and tell them to vote NO on the passage of SB 201. A phone call is worth at least 10 emails, so please take a few minutes to make that call. The more calls that Senators receive from homeschoolers opposing SB 201, the more our voice is heard. You can find your senator’s contact information here: https://maps.legis.wisconsin.