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17. Maintain the Distinction Between Public and Private Schools (4/93)

Whereas in the United States the distinction between public and private schools has always been maintained; and Whereas this distinction ensures freedom of choice in education including the freedom not to be subject to any doctrinaire ideology, state religion, or monopoly in education; and Whereas the United States constitution does not grant to the state any authority in education and the states have only quite recently passed compulsory school attendance laws which are based only on the U. S. constitution’s policing powers granted to the states; and Whereas the Wisconsin Department Public of Instruction has authority over public and not

36. Standardized Testing Required by the Federal or State Government (5/01)

Whereas schools need to prepare students for tests they are required to take, which means that required tests dictate what curriculum will be used and how it will be taught; and Whereas federal testing represents a major increase in government control of education because although states, not the federal government, have the policing authority to make laws that govern schools, the federal government is claiming it has the authority to require federal testing of students in schools that accept money from the federal government; and Whereas federal testing is especially powerful because it applies the same requirements to the whole

February 22, 2022 – WHPA Needs Your Support Tomorrow

The Assembly version of the proposal to create unregulated private schools, called “micro-education pods,” AB 122, passed out of the Assembly today, and we learned late this afternoon that the Senate version of the same bill, SB 201, is scheduled for a public hearing with the Senate Committee on Education tomorrow morning. This bill threatens our homeschooling rights by confusing the difference between homeschools (based on parental rights) and private schools (based on state law). It is critical that WHPA members and supporters speak up in defense of our homeschooling law at this hearing. The public hearing is scheduled for: Wednesday, February

Public Schools

I got a letter asking me to complete a census/bring my child in for a screening/provide the names and birthdates of my children.

You do not have to provide any information in

March 4, 2022 – Voting Day on SB 201 and AB 122

The time is NOW to call the Senate Committee on Education The Wisconsin Senate Committee on Education is voting TODAY AT MIDDAY on SB 201 and AB 122. The Committee is taking the unusual action of voting on a large package of education bills in private by paper ballot, instead of in public by voice vote or roll call vote. We have been informed the ballots will go out at 12:30 and must be returned by 1:30. If you have not yet done so, please call all the Committee members listed below immediately and tell them to VOTE NO on

July 23, 2021 – Call to Action For SB 201


WHPA members should already be aware of the ongoing attempt by legislators to create unregulated private schools in Wisconsin, called “micro education pods” (formerly “microschools”), and WHPA’s diligent work opposing this proposal. You can read WHPA’s previous statements and action on this proposal here and here. The Senate version of the bill, SB 201, is scheduled for a public hearing with the Senate Committee on Education. It is critical that WHPA members and supporters speak up in defense of our homeschooling law at this hearing. The public hearing

Contact WHPA

WHPA supports all Wisconsin homeschoolers regardless of WHPA membership status, and is supported only through memberships and donations. If you appreciate this website and the work WHPA does to protect homeschoolers’ rights and freedoms, please become a member today.

WHPA PO Box 2502 Madison, WI 53701

Contact Form

Use the form below to reach out to WHPA.

WHPA does not provide, sell, or rent ANY personal information (names, phone number, email address, etc.) to anyone outside the organization. Your email address will not be used for any purpose other than this contact.

2023 Conference – CANCELED

CANCELED: WHPA 40th Annual Homeschooling Conference and Resource Fair May 5-6, 2023  |  Stevens Point, WI

It is with very heavy hearts the WHPA Board of Directors must announce the cancellation of our 40th Annual Homeschooling Conference and Resource Fair. Unfortunately, no amount of planning could have prepared us for a health crisis and sudden life changes for members of our all-volunteer conference planning committee, nor did we anticipate the drastic and unprecedented lack of volunteers, who are needed to effectively put on such a large event. If you have booked a room at the Holiday Inn –

15. Outcome-Based Education (4/93)

Whereas under Outcome-Based Education (OBE) the state would set the goals for a child’s intellectual, social, emotional, and moral development and then determined whether the child’s development in each of these areas was satisfactory; and Whereas under OBE the government would decide which specific employment skills, living, skills, and attitudes a child should have; and Whereas the government would enforce its decision by granting or denying a child the certificate or diploma required for further education or a job; and Whereas OBE represents a basic change in the role of the government in education from that of providing a service

Curriculum, Methods and Resources

What are all the methods

August 2021 – Is Wisconsin’s “Kindergarten Requirement” Enforceable?

A Wisconsin law passed in 2009 states public schools may not enroll a child in first grade unless that child has completed 5-year-old kindergarten, or applies for and receives an exemption to this requirement. Does this law mean a school can refuse to enroll a child in first grade? The answer is we don’t know for certain. The law has never been challenged or tested in the courts. However, it appears unenforceable. For a child who did not complete kindergarten, but wants to enroll in first grade, the confusing state of the law is this: First, public

20. Privacy and Homeschooling (4/94)

Whereas there are increasing efforts by government, researchers, schools, and big business interests to identify and track the behaviors, values, interests, abilities, buying habits, and risks of individuals and families in our society; and Whereas increasing efforts are being made to screen and evaluate children’s abilities and development and to assess how well families are preparing their children for school and the values of the school; and Whereas screening, labeling, and recording of information about young children may threaten a family’s freedom to homeschool; and Whereas identification and tracking systems and practices not only invade one’ privacy but also put

48. Maintaining the Basic Principles of Homeschooling (5/08)

Whereas during the past 30 years, parents and families have reestablished and confirmed the basic and traditional concept of homeschooling in the United States as a practice whereby parents take primary and direct responsibility for the education of their children with as little state regulation as possible; and Whereas this practice in Wisconsin has been achieved primarily through the hard and continuous work of homeschooling parents working through Wisconsin Parents Association against great resistance from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, public school boards, teachers unions, school district administrators, and others in the educational establishment; and Whereas although today there

35. Survey Research on Homeschooling (5/00)

Whereas survey research on homeschooling undermines our homeschooling freedoms in several ways, including the following:

  • Survey research is generally designed to compare homeschoolers to students in conventional schools, using the standards of conventional schools, which implies that homeschools should adopt the standards, practices, and values of conventional schools and assumes that these are the only correct ones.
  • People who feel homeschoolers should be required to take state-mandated tests can point to survey research that includes homeschoolers’ scores on standardized tests as evidence that homeschoolers are willing to take such tests.
  • Research that indicates that even a

January 31, 2018 – Action Clarification

1) Representative Sinicki has submitted her request to the Joint Legislative Council to create a Study Committee to review the Home-Based Private Educational Program Law in Wisconsin. The time for contacting Representative Sinicki about this matter has passed. 2) Now it is time to contact the chairs and members of the Joint Legislative Council. They are the people who will decide whether or not to form this committee. No matter what district you live in, please contact the council co-chairs: Representative Brooks (608) 267-2369 Senator Roth (608) 266-0718 Let them know that homeschooling in Wisconsin is working and that you do not

April 16, 2019

ACTION NEEDED: On March 29, 2019, H.R.1994 SECURE Act was introduced, and as a part of this bill, language was inserted to expand the use of Section 529 Education Savings Accounts* to qualified homeschool expenses. (On February 12, 2019, WPA asked for action on H.R.65 Enhancing Educational Opportunities for Home School Students Act and H.R.621/S.157 Student Empowerment Act. Read more about it below.) Please call or email your Representative and Senators and respectfully ask them to REMOVE from H.R.1994 SECURE Act the language referring to Section 529 Education Savings Accounts being used for homeschool expenses. You may also wish

March 24, 2022 – Reminders About Proposed “Micro Education Pods”

WHPA has been working hard to preserve parental rights in Wisconsin, and opposing proposed “micro education pods” over the last year and a half. As of this writing, the proposed bill creating “micro education pods” is awaiting either approval or veto by Governor Evers. According to the Legislature’s 2021-22 Session Calendar, the next date that bills are scheduled to be presented to the Governor is April 14 (if it is presented to the Governor sooner, we will let you know). WHPA has again appealed to our members to speak up for parental rights by contacting Governor Evers

Board Meetings

Board meetings are open to all members.  The next board meeting will be Tuesday, July 23 2024, beginning at 5:30 PM.  If you wish to attend, please email for more information. The final 2024 board meeting will be:

  • Monday, October 21, 2024, beginning at 5:30 PM


WPA Board of Directors

President – Jodi Buntin – Jodi strongly believes in homeschooling and preserving the right and freedom for all families in Wisconsin to homeschool according to their own beliefs and convictions. She and her husband have homeschooled their


Search the WHPA website for the accurate information you need:

April 10, 2018

The Wisconsin Legislative Council has released the Joint Legislative Council Co-Chairs’ recommendations for the establishment of study committees. NONE of the approved study committees pertain to homeschooling. This is great news for homeschoolers in Wisconsin. Homeschooling was not seen as a problem in need of study or possible legislative solutions by the Co-Chairs of the JLC . There will be no study committee regarding homeschooling. Thank you all for your contacts with legislators regarding this issue.

31. High Schools’ Mock Trial Involving a Homeschooler (5/98)

Whereas the 1998 Wisconsin High School Mock Trial Tournament, sponsored by the State Bar of Wisconsin, presented an extremely negative and misleading impression of homeschoolers (see their 1998 Handbook of Case Materials); and Whereas the case materials developed by the State Bar of Wisconsin and distributed to high schools throughout the state foster misunderstanding and unwarranted prejudice against homeschoolers; and Whereas the materials reduce truancy to a simplistic behavior and fail to distinguish between compulsory attendance and compulsory education; and Whereas the materials are similar to the highly prejudicial and misinformed testimony presented at a hearing in April, 1997, before

March 9, 2022 – AB 122 UPDATE and ACTION ALERT

On Tuesday, March 8, the Wisconsin Senate voted to pass AB 122, and it will soon be presented to Gov. Tony Evers for his signature or veto.

This is the final opportunity to stop AB 122 from becoming law.

Please contact Gov. Evers’ office and ask him to VETO AB 122. By doing so, he protects both our clear legal homeschool and private school structure in Wisconsin, and a parent’s inherent right to educate their own children.

Contact information for Gov. Evers: Phone: (608) 266-1212 Email: You can find WHPA’s background and analysis of

Support and Socialization

How can I find other homeschooling families? Homeschooling is not uncommon anymore. In larger areas, there may be support groups or other homeschool gatherings that might interest you. Using the internet or talking with other homeschooling families is a good way to find out what is going on in your area. In areas with smaller populations, spending time doing things you enjoy

Return to School

What if my child returns to conventional school? 

  • If your child returns to conventional school (public or private) in the MIDDLE of the school year, you must log back into the DPI HOMER web site and adjust your PI-1206 Homeschool Report to change the number of students enrolled in your homeschool to reflect an accurate count.